
Welcome to my notes!

This is a little bit of an experiment. I've seen examples where people have published their notes in a read-only fashion. Publishing one's own notes is a great thing to do. However, by publishing in a read-only fashion, it's hard for others to contribute their own experiences and provide corrections. As such, I've decided to create a wiki to contain my new notes! This means that anyone who fancies can come and contribute. It is almost certainly very presumptuous of me to assume that anyone would either care to read my ramblings - let alone contribute to them, but to me it seems like an interesting premise that won't hurt to try out.

Gerald says welcome!


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While I am very happy to welcome in contributions, there are a handful of guidelines listed below that I would appreciate people follow.

  • Please ask before creating new pages. This site is not trying to become a mono-repository of all documentation on earth, but rather a collection of notes that I've written that others are invited to read and contribute to. As such, please ask before creating a page for a topic that isn't already covered by another page.
  • Please ask before making a major change to a page. I would be more than thrilled if someone was willing to spend the time to make a large contribution. However, I am keen that I have at the very least a surface level understanding of the contents of the notes. As such please reach out before making a major change with an overview of the planned change so I can be aware of what is getting introduced.

Feel free to contact me at [email protected].